Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

[Head-Hunter] Effective Employee Opinion Surveys ( Diskon 40 % )

HRD Forum One Day Workshop
Effective Employee Opinion Surveys
a vehicle for delivering real change
13 Juli 2009 - HRD Forum Training Centre
Investation Rp. 1.600.000,-

Special Promo !! Off 40% !!
Dapatkan Diskon hingga 40%
Diskon 40% jika pembayaran s/d 10 Juni 2009
Diskon 30% jika pembayaran s/d 17 Juni 2009
Diskon 20 % jika pembayaran s/d 24 Juni 2009

A.  Purpose :

To provide you with the tools and knowledge that will enable you to develop, control and conduct your own effective in-house employee opinion surveys with the minimum amount of external support or input – no matter what the size of your organization.

To explore ways to integrate survey findings with operational issues in a way that creates an energy and momentum for change that contributes to bottom line performance.

B. For :

Anyone who wishes to conduct or contribute to the design and development of effective employee opinion surveys ( e.g. HR/Personnel Professionals, Line Managers, Employee Representatives etc) and then to use the output from the survey as part of a change programme

Workshop Leader: Heru Wiryanto, Organizational  Psychologist and Senior Associate Reseacher . Heru has wide and extensive experience of opinion surveys. He has designed and conducted employee surveys for blue chip organizations for nearly 10 years.   He also works with a wide range of companies on change management and business performance improvement.

C. Date & Locations :
13 Juli 2009 - HRD Forum Training Centre

D.  Deliverables :

At the end of this workshop participants will:

• know the most effective ways to conduct an employee survey
• know how to gain effective management and employee buy-in
• be able to design, construct and deliver a rigorous survey
• know how to manage the high volume of data generated and how to capture it cost effectively
• be able to interpret result data for relevant business meaning
• know how to feed back results in a way that encourages action
• be able to manage a complex survey with the minimum amount of external support and/or input
• have free access to survey template on which to base their surveys
• have the power and control to conduct employee surveys based on best practice at a fraction of the usual cost
• have a clear understanding of the problems and opportunities created by change
• understand why change is not just about the quality of the decisions that are made, but also about the effectiveness of the their implementation
• appreciate the different roles management has to play in change and how different management styles impact on organizational change
• have a clear view of their personal management style and how it will impact on change
• appreciate that the perfect manager does not exist – but can be created through effective teamwork
• understand how to augment a team's awareness of their interdependency by defining problems without attributing blame or fault
• understand that the issues that an organization faces are not a product of quality of the management team, but more a function of where the organization is on its lifecycle
• understand that the issues/problems they face are also predictable and repetitive
• have a clear view of what needs to be done to integrate the survey findings with wider operational/organizational issues in order to facilitate effective change that delivers bottom line improvements

E.  Workshop Content :

Using a highly participative approach, the workshop is designed to answer – in depth – the following commonly asked questions:
• Why conduct a survey in the first place? We know what our employees think.
• Where do I begin? What can I realistically hope to achieve from a survey? What are the key things I will need to help me deliver the goals I set?
• What makes a good survey?
• How do I establish the 'real' issues to survey?
• What makes a good a statement?
• What makes a good questionnaire?
• How big can my survey be? How many statements can I include?
• What is the best medium to use – paper, email of the web?
• What response rate can I expect? Is there a way to effectively forecast the response? What can I do to encourage people to participate in the survey?
• How long should I plan on the survey process taking?
• What resources do I need?
• How do I cope with all of the data the survey will generate?

Stage II : Implementing
• How do I analyze the results in order to provide my organization with meaningful feedback?
• How can I use the information to identify and discuss problems without finger-pointing or personal attribution of blame?
• How do I avoid the common "attribution biases" that many managers/consultants bring to the table?
• How do I "unlock" the chain of causality connecting the issues we identify?
• Having identified all of the issues how do I determine the "right" things to work on?
• Is there a method of tasking teams and individuals in a way that results in higher performance and increased accountability?
• What's the best way to select people to be on a team?
• When do we "declare victory" and move on to something else?

The details of workshop Syllabi:
1st Session – Planning
The importance of Stage 1
Establishing the basics first
Survey purpose
Commitment from the CEO and senior managers
Willingness to take action
Achieving buy-in from line managers
Achieving buy-in from staff
Timing of survey
Resourcing the survey process
Creating a plan for the survey process
Addressing the issue of privacy and confidentiality
Piloting the questionnaire
Method of data collection
Supporting processes and information
Preparing to provide feedback

2nd Session Implementation
Review meeting before implementation
Survey administration
Sending reminders to increase response rates
Providing support during administration
3rd Session  Interpretation and validation
Data analysis
Content and layout of report
Interpreting the findings
Validating results
Providing feedback
Exploring the survey results further
4th Session  Taking action
Action planning
Using action groups
Measuring the difference achieved

This workshop is highly participative with plenty of practical work and discussion – allowing you to share your thoughts, ideas and experiences. Places will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
Informasi & Pendaftaran :
Ms.Rani Kartika
Hotline :
08788 1000 100
0815 1049 0007
7069 2748

E-mail: Event@HRD-Forum.com

Formulir pendaftaran Effective Employee Opinion Surveys
Nama                   :
Company             :
Alamat                 :
Telp/HP               :
Email                   :
Tanggal Transfer   :
Formulir harap di isi kemudian di fax ke 85905461

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